Are you looking to start a new Non-profit organization? Starting a Nonprofit is a great way to support a cause you are so passionate about. Here at Adachi Financial Services, we can help you form your Nonprofit Corporation. We can also prepare your organization’s 501 (c)(3) application for tax-exempt status to start non-profit organization.

Your Adachi Financial consultant will need the following…


  • Articles of Incorporation containing the Exempt Purpose Statement as described in IRS Code section 501(c)(3) and defined in Treasury Regulation 1.501(c)(3)-1 Paragraph d and the Dissolution Statement described in Treasury Regulation 1.501(c)(3)-1 Paragraph b subparagraph 4 (“Organizational Test”).
  • Employer Identification Number
  • By-laws of the Organization
  • Minutes of Board Meetings
  • Names, Addresses, and Resumes of Board Members
  • Names and addresses of all Active Members
  • Inventory of Assets like cash, furniture, equipment, property, pledges…
  • Inventory of Liabilities like mortgages, accounts payable, loans…
  • Rent/Lease Agreements and Contracts
  • Revenue and Expense Statements for the last four years or as far back as possible if your organization has been in existence for less than four years.
  • Written Reason for Formation and History of the organization.
  • Organization Mission Statement.
  • Organization Activities, Operations and Programs Documentation including your statement of purpose & operations, food programs, fundraisers, flyers/brochures/pamphlets…
  • Financial Support Documentation, including all revenue sources like contributions, tithes, offerings, fundraisers…
  • Fund Raising Program Descriptions
  • IRS Processing/Filing Fee


If you are looking to maintain your non-profit organization’s tax-exempt status by having all the IRS reporting done for you… you can count on Adachi Financial Services. Most tax-exempt organizations are required to file and submit the Form 990 and its relations, including the following items:

  1. Income Statement with very specific revenue and expense categories like donations, salaries, postage, rent…
  2. Balance Sheet with specific categories like cash, accounts receivable, accounts payable…
  3. Functional Expense Statement with all the expenses allocated to program services, fundraising, or operations.
  4. Individual Program Expense Statement that reports all of the expenses for each program or service like seminar programs, outreaches, or educational mailings.
  5. Revenue Support Schedules that detail the organization’s income sources in specific categories like charitable donations, membership fees, investment income.

The IRS uses these very specific revenue and expense classifications to determine if your organization will retain its tax-exempt status.

Adachi Financial Services can help with you…


  • Completing and filing your non-profit status application
  • Preparing and filing the 990 and 990T tax forms
  • Preparing and filing your initial start-up documentation, including incorporation, federal employer identification number.



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